
VISA in ASIA to enter Peru

Written by Wayki Trek, 05/05/2022 4:54 pm

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As required by some countries, to enter a foreign territory as a tourist in several cases it is necessary to have a VISA. If you plan to come to Peru from Asia and you are not sure if you need your VISA then here we share the VISA requirement for foreigners in ASIA to enter Peru.


ASIA  – VISA in ASIA to enter Peru

República Islámica del Afganistán SI
Reino de la Arabia Saudita SI
República Popular de Bangladesh SI
Reino de Bahrein SI
Reino de Bhután SI
Brunei Darussalam NO
Reino de Camboya SI
República Popular China SI/NO (*) 180
Emiratos Arabes Unidos NO
República de Filipinas NO
República de la India SI/NO (*) 180/365
República de Indonesia NO
República Islámica del Irán SI
República del Iraq SI
Estado de Israel NO
Japón NO
Reino Hachemita de Jordania SI
República de Kazajstán SI
República Kirguisa SI
Estado de Kuwait SI
República libanesa SI
Malasia NO
República de Maldivas SI
Mongolia NO
República de la Unión de Myanmar SI
República Democrática Federal de Nepal SI
Estado de Qatar SI
República Islámica del Pakistán SI
República de Corea SI (*)
República Popular Democrática de Corea SI
República Democrática Popular Lao SI
República de Singapur NO
República Socialista Democrática de Sri Lanka SI
República Árabe Siria SI
Sultanía de Oman SI
Reino de Tailandia NO
República de Tayikistán SI
República Democrática de Timor Leste SI
Turkmenistán SI
República de Uzbekistán SI
República Socialista de Viet Nam SI
República del Yemen SI

(*) (YES/NO) See, Supreme Decree No. 069-2016-RE (People’s Republic of China) Supreme Decree No. 006-2017-RE (Republic of India) Both supreme decrees establish the exemption from the temporary visa requirement in the qualities tourist and business migration to enter Peru, to nationals of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India, holders of valid and current ordinary passports, provided that at least one of the following conditions is proven: a) To be holders of visas with a minimum validity of six (6) months from the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia or a State belonging to the Schengen Area. b) Have permanent residence in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia or in a State belonging to the Schengen Area. EUROPE COUNTRY IMMIGRATION QUALITY AND DEADLINES (*) Suspension by reciprocity of the Visa Waiver Agreement entered into by exchange of notes between the Republic of Peru and the Republic of Korea in 1982.

For more information you can check the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru or in any case the website of the Peruvian consulate in the corresponding country.



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