

Environmental preservation and conservation is one of our main objectives. Our principles are aligned with the international norm of environmental management standardization (ISO 14001), which ensures the minimization of environmental impact around the world. Each activity and resource used during the walk has been designed respecting the principles of environmental conservation and impact minimization. Among other things, we care about the ingredients used in our meals, the material of our camping equipment, the use of biodegradable products and solid waste management. At the same time, we are committed to the reforestation and protection of native and medicinal plants in the region through our bio-orchards.


We are working on a botanical garden which we envision as a medicinal plants interpretation center. Here, we are recovering many plants that were becoming extinct in terms of their use and the knowledge about them in different communities in the Andes. We aim to house all the medicinal plants of the Andes used by our ancestors and teach about their uses to our communities, in order to support health care in a sustainable way.

Reforestation with Native Plants

To avoid deglaciation and erosion, we have committed to reforesting with plants native to the region. We have signed agreements with several rural communities, allowing us to reforest cleared mountain slopes and contribute much to the development of these same communities. 

We mostly use q’ueña trees, which grow between 3,500 and 4,500m elevation, don’t require much water, and have medicinal properties.  

On some of our hikes, our clients can choose to participate in planting q’ueña trees.

Use of Biodegradable Products

The cleaning products we use on all of our hikes are biodegradable and recyclable to minimize our environmental impact. This includes our hand soap, dish soap and containers, among other items. 

We are strongly committed to caring for the environment and having the least possible impact. Wayki will always be ready to innovate and change to help care for the planet. We are big fans of sustainable tourism!

Solid Waste Management

We closely manage the waste generated during our hikes. We collect and transport all the garbage produced to waste collection centers, sorting it beforehand into differently colored plastic bags: green for organic waste, red for inorganic, white for industrial waste, and black for human waste. We have staff trained in the collection and transportation of all of these. 


Don't be told, live it! Wayki Trek is a Tour Company in Cusco, Peru specializing in Inca Trails to Machu Picchu, Alternative Treks to Machu Picchu and tours around Cusco region, with environmental and social responsibility always as a priority

Where to find us: Calle Quera 239, Cusco – Perú

Commercial Hours: From Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 18:00 pm / Sundays from 9:00 am to 13:00 pm (GMT -05: 00)

For bookings: + (51) 932-235-450
For Trip Coordinations: + (51) 932-235-008
Emergencies: + (51) 984-693-474 / + (51) 932-235-008

WhatsApp: + (51) 932-235-450


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